Are You Ready To Learn How The Pros Make Money In Crypto?

No matter if you are brand spankin new or a seasoned expert you will want to attend Crypto Secrets Bootcamp!

*** NOTE - Due to several scheduling and other conflicts the next Crypto Secrets Bootcamp event has been moved to a virtual event on March 19th, 2022.  This will be for current Mastermind Members only.  Login to your members area for details.
March 19th, 2022
Mastermind Members Only
Online Streaming Event

Let's cut to the chase...

"Why You Should Attend The Crypto Secrets Bootcamp"

If you have ever wondered how people REALLY make money in crypto you will want to attend the Crypto Secrets Bootcamp where we will show you EXACTLY how the experts do it.

This isn't your average run-of-the-mill buy low sell high crypto training.  No, this is the cutting edge of crypto.  What's working now and what will be working in the future.

$1,000 invested in Bitcoin 10 years ago would now be worth 12 to 13 MILLION today!

I know that sounds crazy right?

Don't you wish you had learned about Bitcoin back then and taken some action?

It might be too late for you to make crazy 12,000,000% gains in Bitcoin these days but I have some good news...

If you pay close attention and know what you are doing the Window Of Opportunity to profit from other types of crypto is just mind-boggling.

But how do you do it?  How do you actually make money in crypto?

You take some action.  You get educated.  You become a student and take the bull by the horns.

Yes newbies can do this!

The Crypto Secrets Bootcamp Is A 3-Day Intensive Experience That Will Show You The Secrets Only Experts Know When It Comes To Making Money In Crypto.

DAY 1  - TBA

"Intro To Crypto - Learn The Basics - 7 Ways To Profit In Crypto"

On Day #1 we focus on the basics and take it from the approach of a brand new person who knows nothing about crypto and teach them all the basics they need to know to get started.

Come prepared to learn as we will be teaching and covering all the basics including

  • What is crypto?  How did it start and why you should be paying attention.
  • What is a blockchain, why should I care and how is it going to change my world?
  • Crypto exchanges.  What are they and how to navigate them.
  • Crypto wallets.  Why it's critical you control and keep your crypto safe.
  • Altcoins.  What are they and how you can profit from them.  (Hint.  An Altcoin is anything that is NOT Bitcoin.  There are currently over 10,000 of them!)
  • What is DeFi (Decentralized Finance), why you should care and how it's going to change your world.
  • Why getting into "Early" crypto projects can exponentially multiply your profits.
  • How to navigate the "Wild Wild West" of crypto.  Yes you need to know this!
  • We will give you an introduction on the 7 ways you can make money with crypto even if you are brand new
    • #1 - IDOs
    • #2 - Micro to Midcaps
    • #3 - Farming & Staking
    • #4 - BOTS
    • #5 - Mining & Nodes
    • #6 - NFTs
    • #7 - Swaps (Decentralized Exchanges)
  • And so much more!

The Cost For Day #1?

A whopping $59!

Yes you can attend Day #1 in person or via our online streaming for $59 plus tax.

For less than the cost of a nice dinner for 2 you can learn the basics of Crypto to start you on the right path.

Attend In-Person or view Live Streaming plus all attendees will have access to the recordings!

DAY 2 & 3 - TBA

"The Crypto Secrets Bootcamp"

The goal of Day 2 and 3 is to do a deep-dive on the 7 profitable crypto strategies introduced on Day 1.

This is where we go into detail with hands-on examples and show real-world examples and strategies of how the Pros profit from these proven strategies.

Come and learn from the experts who have been in the trenches and who profit from these strategies.

Be prepared for a content-packed Day 2 and 3 where the focus will be on:

  • #1 - IDOs
    How to get involved in new crypto projects before they launch to the public.  Ever wish you had been able to get involved in some of these crypto projects that started out at fractions of a cent and then sent on to do 100 to 1000 and even 10,000x gains?  Yes we will teach you how to find this and get involved.
  • #2 - Micro to Midcaps

    How to identify new crypto projects with HUGE potential for future growth and get involved early on before the masses even know about it.
  • #3 - Farming & Staking

    This is a way to earn passive income with your crypto.  Most people around you have no idea that this even exists but when they do you can be assured more will be doing it.
  • #4 - BOTS

    Bots can help you take the emotion out of trading.  If you don't have a lot of time and you want to use a safer method of investing you are going to love this strategy.
  • #5 - Mining & Nodes

    Another way to create passive income by simply running program on a computer or plugging a device in that shares your Internet connection.
  • #6 - NFTs

    NFTs are a whole new world in crypto.  Risky but if you understand the future potential it can be very profitable... if you know what you are doing.
  • #7 - Swaps (Decentralized Exchanges)

    This is how you invest in and trade into new crypto projects before they hit the big exchanges.  It's the future of trading and as time goes by you will see more and more around you doing this.

You will also get to network with and meet other attendees include many of our Crypto Swap Profit Mastermind members from around the world.

And yes day 2 and 3 are streamed live AND you have access to the recordings so you an review everything at your convenience

Attend All 3 Days Of The Bootcamp for $225

Attend In-Person or view Live Streaming plus all attendees will have access to the recordings!

Attend In-Person or via Livestream


Nothing can beat attending an event in-person.  This is the best way to interact with and network with other attendees.  It's also been proven time and again that people who attend events in-person learn the most and have the most success when they implement.

Nothing beats getting to meet the speakers and other attendees and hearing the content while being physically there at the event.

If you can't make the in-person event but still want to virtually attend we got you covered!

All 3 Days of the event will be streamed live and recorded.

This is a great way to attend the even and still take part if you can't physically be there.

All attendees who are in-person or virtual will have access to the recordings.

Meet Your Speakers

Joel Peterson

Founder of Crypto Swap Profits

Joel started his crypto journey in 2014 and since has taught thousands of people around the world profit in crypto.  He is the founder of Crypto Swap Profits and The Crypto Secrets Bootcamp.

Joel escaped the "Rat Race" in 2004 when he first discovered online marketing and since then has taught thousands of others to do the same. Over the years many successful marketers got their start by learning from him. However he just considers himself a "Regular Guy" who decided to make a decision do something "Different" with is life. What he is MOST proud of is his wife and 6 children and the time they get to spend together! People love his "Down-To-Earth" style and his no-hype approach to creating an online business.

Additional Guest Speakers To Be Announced.



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All of our videos and training are strictly for education purposes only and are personal opinions. Please make sure to do your own research. Never take one person's opinion for financial guidance. There are multiple strategies and not all strategies fit all people. Our videos and training ARE NOT financial advice.